Course Catalogue

At Affinity, we know that building a culture of compliance takes more than just checking the box. A strong culture of compliance helps you focus on your business and scale your company with confidence.

Building that culture requires understanding how requirements fit into your employee’s workflows. That's why we’ve created our “Pillars of Compliance” to conceptualize compliance as a livable, actionable activity for your learners day to day activities.

A purple piggy bank

Deposit Products, Bank Accounts, & Transaction Processing

One hand giving money to another hand

Consumer & Commercial Lending Products

An empty user graphic

People Operations - Preventing Harassment and Discrimination

A lock with electronic pathways

Cybersecurity & Privacy

A clipboard with a checklist

Business Best Practices

An illustration of a number of crypto coins

Crypto & Crypto-Adjacent Products

A bank

For Banks & Credit Unions

Our course list is continuously growing! This list may not have the most up to date information.

If you don't see a course you need, please contact our team.

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